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How To Honor 756

No photos, no fan fare

No fireworks, no flames

No band with an encore

No marching lines who’ll change

No speeches, no words

No screams, no play

No maitre d to lead us through

not much more to say

don’t need a lot of bling bling

No tuxedos, no gowns for the ball

Nothing really more that’s needed

Nothing more at all

Today marks 6 years

The world loses a best friend

a protector, a healer

For real top to bottom, not pretend

Some complained of the snow

About the vicious fall of white

This man would give everything

For one last snowball fight

So instead of overbearing display

Instead of trying what didn’t work before

Appreciate, all that life is

And want for nothing more

When you feel a burst of wind

When you feel a tender touch

When you know how you’re cared for

And how you’re revered so much

To truly honor 756

It‘s really not that hard

It‘s really not that difficult

The Answer is not that far

Take all of that anger and disappointment

All of that damage you can’t get rid of

Mold it into a beautiful life

and spend it, every day in love

love is not flashy

it’s not expensive

it’s not fake

not something you can fix

let’s take it and use it

and live it every single day

like 756

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